Category Archives: Community

Out of the Spin Cycle by Jen Hatmaker

“My 6 year old son once said: ‘When I grow up, I want to be a missionary and tell people about God, even though my mom told me all missionaries get murdered….’

…..Insert the sound of me babbling like an idiot….while simultaneously throwing him under a bus for butchering”

Reading Jen Hatmaker’s intro, I already knew I’d enjoy her latest book; ‘Out of the spin cycle’. After reading her story about causing a scene in the front pew of her hometown church, I wanted to drive to Texas and make her my new BFF.

 I admit, I was pleasantly surprised to enjoy this devotional so much. Partially due to the term ‘devotional’- I guess there’s just something about that word that evokes memories of nodding off during Weds night study group. It’s not the kind of book I’d naturally pick up, but if I hadn’t I would’ve missed out.

Jen is the kind of funny, honest writer that makes you laugh and unclench at the same time. Somehow she manages to be real without becoming crude, telling stories about herself and her family that all moms can relate to. If that weren’t enough (and lets face it, sometimes it is), she also ties in a message about living out a life of Faith.

‘Out of the Spin Cycle’ was my first encounter with Hatmaker’s work, but it won’t be my last. I’d encourage mom’s of any age to grab a copy, and to whet your appetite, I’ll leave you with one last excerpt;

(My husband) Brandon: “What’s wrong?”

Me: I’m so depressed

Brandon: “Why? What happened?”

Me: “Gavin is going to college, and I’ll miss him so much, I can’t even stand it”

Brandon (long pause):“He’s eleven”

Me: “But he’s going some day!”

Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, IncAvailable at your favourite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group“.

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Filed under Baker Publishing Group, Community, Graf-Martin Communications Inc., Jen Hatmaker, Revell, women

Six Pixels of Separation by Mitch Joel

Six Pixels of Separation by Mitch Joel has been a marvelous book to both devour and dream over. Mitch has skillfully laid out how to use the Digital world in business. Let me clarify it is not for those who want to know how to use the technology but how to use the technology to grow your business and connect your business to others.

It feels like I have been reading ‘Six Pixels’ forever.  I read  then put the book down and dream. I write notes, I have created a wish list and a goal list. Sometimes I wish I were finished this book so I could do it all. Other times I am pleased to see that I have a few more pages to gather ideas and strategies from the author.

For those who have never heard of Mitch Joel, you must go to iTunes and download his podcasts. He is a leader in our times. He is a great thinker and the president of Twisted Image.

Six Pixels of Separation is a must read those who want to stay in business in the days and years to come.

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Filed under Community, Leadership, Mitch Joel, Six Pixels of Separation, Uncategorized