Have a New You by Friday by Dr. Kevin Leman

In spite of a title that sounds like yet another “quick fix to happiness” I really liked this book.

 There is something about gaining insight into yourself that empowers you to make needed (and wanted) changes. That’s how I felt at the end of the book- empowered.

I should say empowered…and wildly entertained! Dr. Leman has an incredible sense of humor that shines in every page. There is nothing boring or clinical about the personality descriptions. His real-life stories and the creative analogies brought each insight to life.

There was also nothing complicated about the five areas (one for each weekday) that Leman addresses, nor in the guidance on how to make changes. Far from being overwhelmed by a series of complicated tasks or assignments I found the application sections very natural and fun.

 As I saw myself- how I typically act or respond in various life and relationship situations- I could see just as clearly how to change and what to change. I also felt a deeper acceptance of myself in areas I might otherwise be very self-critical. Personality traits are neither right nor wrong, good or bad, they just are.  With acceptance came self-confidence, and with it the ability to make even more changes.

 So I am glad I didn’t follow my first response of cynicism based on the title of the book. Leman isn’t promising a “quick fix” but rather true insights into what makes us tick. With these insights I was empowered to discard personal baggage that was hampering me and to connect more effectively with people around me.

 New me by Friday? Absolutely!

Dr. Kevin Leman, an internationally renowned psychologist and New York Times Bestselling Author of more than 30 books, provides easy techniques, helpful tips and clear insight that will change the way you look at and resolve the parenting, marriage and relationship issues in your life.
Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc
Available at your favourite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group“.  


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